
A celebration of women

The unique beauty of every woman, Divine Feminine Principles, Divine Yoni, sensual pleasure and higher consciousness, Sacred space, source of all life, pleasure and higher dimensions of reality.

Many women say it is very healing to read. Others say it is so touching it made them cry. I know you will love reading too. ❤️

Hearts Touching, Love Letters from a Poet, Volume 2

Hearts Touching, Love Letters from a Poet, Volume 2 by Bill Weber


“You can say, I’m a book addicted and I’ve read some books regarding love. But after reading Choosing Me, by Bill Weber, I bet this is one of the best I’ve ever read. After reading this book, my attitude of seeing the female body has changed.

Every word of the poem is just adorable, full of love, full of happiness, it’s like listening to music with a closed eye.

If I have to say in a line about this Book: ” Author’s humble attempt to make the world/women more beautiful” @shiva_ganesha_krishna

“And as a woman, I was flattered. Your poems are amazing, emotional, lovely, sensual, romantic and full of heart!

Keep writing poems and in general keep writing! You are amazing at it! ”                           – Vicky Tzalachani

About the Author

Bill Weber Author of Choosing Me & Hearts Touching, Love Letters from a Poet

Bill is a devilishly handsome and hopelessly romantic poet living a charmed life. Bill has been called a time traveler, sent here from our future where the unique beauty and attractiveness of every individual is apparent. Bill lives in an enchanted tantric castle on the outskirts of the legendary city of romantic gifts, Vandalia, Illinois. Bill’s life is like a magical tantric love story where dreams from sensuous love poems come true. He was sent here to open a window into a time and place where everyone feels good enough right now, a time where we honor, respect and cherish the sacredness of every human being, a place where no one has time to make war because everyone would rather make love. His dream is to touch your heart with his words, to awaken your consciousness to your eternal beauty, and to ignite the passion that lives in your soul.

Books include ‘Choosing Me: Love Letters from a Poet, Volume 1’ available now. ‘Hearts Touching: Love Letters from a Poet, Volume 2 #lovelettersfromapoet @BillWeberAuthor

Hearts Touching

Love Letters from a Poet, Volume 2


“Choosing Me: Love Letters From a Poet” – Volume 1, by Bill Weber, is a book of poems that are meant to be read slowly. The poems that make up the text of the book are written so that you read them, one or two at a time. This allows you to share and savor the words, as well as the feelings the poems generate.

Each poem in the book is well crafted, inspiring, yet also boldly honest. With titles such as “Move Slowly”, “Never Ending”, and “Touching You”, each poem in this book is an exploration of heart, body and soul.

I highly recommend this book if you are in a relationship, and want to keep passion alive with your significant other. I also recommend it if you are still searching for your special one, as the poems themselves will help to keep your heart open on its path. – @a_bunch.of.words

Order Now!

Hearts Touching 10-96Very Romantic Gift!

CAUTION: This series is not for everyone!

1. If you always say all the right words at all the right times, DON’T GET THIS BOOK.

2. If you have little or no romance in your life and you want it to stay that way, DON’T GIVE THIS BOOK AS A GIFT TO ANYONE.

3. If your lover is way more passionately attentive than you like, DON’T LET THEM READ THIS BOOK.

4. If you have far too much sensuously romantic fulfillment in your life, THIS BOOK MAY NOT BE FOR YOU.

5. If you don’t want to make love more often, make love more sensuous, and make love more beautiful, DON’T GET THIS BOOK.

6. If you don’t want to give someone the most romantic gift possible, the romantic gift that keeps on giving, DON’T BUY THIS BOOK TODAY. Otherwise, get ‘CHOOSING ME’ today and make love beautiful tonight.




Hearts Touching, Love Letters from a Poet, Volume 2 by Bill Weber




Hearts Touching

Love Letters from a Poet, Volume 2